Is Hypertension Inevitable?

Dr. Dre recently went into detail about some serious health issues he experienced in 2021. While hospitalized for a brain aneurysm, he suffered three strokes. This certainly was a wake up call for Dr. Dre, especially because he didn’t appear to be your “typical stroke victim.”

Good Oral Hygiene May Be One of the Keys to Happy & Healthy Longevity

One of the most shocking and disturbing predictions that I recently came across was that by 2025, 13 million Americans will have Alzheimer’s disease (currently there are about six million). And there is a connection between tooth loss and Alzheimer’s.

Not Sure What Your New Year’s Resolutions Should Be? Here Are 9 Blue Zone Lifestyle Habits to Consider

If you regularly read pH blogs, you have seen that I constantly discuss chronic inflammation in Americans. Many in the health and wellness space refer to chronic inflammation as “inflammaging,” because it accelerates aging and promotes illness (thus making it more challenging to live a long and healthy life).

Study Shows B12 Deficiency Increases Inflammation. Don’t Let This Block Your Path to Healthy & Happy Longevity

The reality is that if we eventually get the privilege to become elderly (and, of course, the goal is happy and healthy longevity) we have to be mindful about B12 deficiency despite eating animal foods.

If You Are Midlife, It’s Not Too Late to Work Towards Happy, Healthy Longevity

I think most people would agree that a healthy, happy and long life would be most attainable through freedom from chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. It would also be amazing to grow old with mobility, independence and as little chronic pain as possible. Learn how we can make this possible.

September is Healthy Aging Month. The Weight of This Is Up to You!

September is Healthy Aging Month. In order to have a healthier mindset about aging in general, we should probably stop using the term anti-aging. The word anti means opposed to or against. I, for one, am not against aging.

7 Foods Okinawans Eat, And Perhaps You Should Too!

One of the most powerful methods for attaining healthy and happy longevity is through maintaining a healthy and nutrient-rich diet. The Okinawans, a community of people from a group of islands in Japan’s southernmost prefecture, are living proof of this.

Why Vitamin D May Be One of the Keys to Healthy, Happy Longevity

You may want to consider adding vitamin D to your proactive healthcare arsenal for achieving healthy longevity and preventing or managing CVD. A recent study found evidence suggesting that people over the age of 60 who take vitamin D supplements reduce their risk of having a cardiovascular event such as heart attack or stroke.

You May Not Live in One of the World’s 5 Blue Zones, But You Can Follow the Lifestyle

There’s a religious group largely based in Loma Linda, California with people who are apparently living about a decade longer than most Americans. I’m talking about Seventh-day Adventists!

Is Age Just a Number…When It Comes to Sperm Health?

It is evident that sperm quality and quantity decreases with advanced paternal age, and research suggests that the risk of genetic mutations also increases. But there are many men who have healthy babies in older age. As always, the key is to be proactive.

109-Year-Old Independent Man Shares His Tips for Longevity. Listen Up!

My goal is to live my longest life while also being free of chronic illness such as heart disease and diabetes as well as always be able to see, hear, walk, drive and essentially just take care of myself.

The Best Change You Can Make in 2023 May Be Drinking More Water. Here’s Why

I’m not really one for new year's resolutions. Ninety-one percent of Americans will not achieve their new year’s resolutions. But if you are not good about drinking enough water throughout the day, make a concerted effort to get better about this in 2023.

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